2021, photopolymer etching and chine colle


A response to poetry created by Carla Nappi and Carrie Jenkins who were themselves responding to Plato’s Symposium.

There were two poems that I connected with in this collection. The conversation between Sappho and Medusa in stanza 8 of Sappho Questions Medusa – jilted, fragmented, coming out of the earth, pausing, breathing, watchful and cautious and the temporal noise, static, and fragmented quality of Static Transmission.

Both works were on my mind as I made this collection. They were a first foray into these printing methods, an exploration, an acceptance of static and a pause to see and work differently. They seem to have a geologic quality, a sense of granularity, fragmentation and static while exploring spaces between, the pause, the negative space, a place of possibility.


The complete Uninvited Project can be seen here.


Made with support from the Canada Council for the Arts